
Firefox 選單背景

之前使用這樣一段 CSS code 來改變選單背景,

menupopup, popup {
background-image:url("fx_popup.jpg") !important;
background-position:left top !important;
background-repeat:no-repeat !important;
background-attachment:scroll !important;
menupopup>menu[_moz-menuactive="true"], menupopup>menuitem[_moz-menuactive="true"],
popup>menu[_moz-menuactive="true"], popup>menuitem[_moz-menuactive="true"] {
background-color:#000 !important;
color:#fff !important;

不過到了 3.0 版好像失效了,因為 WinXP 中沒有效果,而 Win2K 下有效果,多方詢問終於有了解答,「由於 XP 以後,以及 Linux 都有自己的主題風格,Firefox 會引用 OS 的風格,所以 CSS 對於 OS 物件無效, 您可以加入 -moz-appearance:none; 告訴 Firefox 不要使用 OS 風格。

感謝來自 Racklin's 阿土伯程式大觀園的協助。
詳細資料 http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/CSS:-moz-appearance


popup:not(#autoscroller), menupopup {
background-image:url("chrome://fxtools/skin/fx_popup.jpg") !important;
background-color:#fff !important;
background-position:center center !important;
background-repeat:no-repeat !important;
background-attachment:scroll !important;
color:#000 !important;
menubar > menu, menupopup > menu, popup > menu, menuitem,
toolbarbutton, popup:not(#autoscroller) {
color:#000 !important;
#contentAreaContextMenu menuitem[disabled="true"],
#contentAreaContextMenu menuitem[disabled="true"] + menuseparator,
menuitem[disabled="true"] {
color:#aaa !important;
menupopup>menu[_moz-menuactive="true"], menupopup>menuitem[_moz-menuactive="true"],
popup>menu[_moz-menuactive="true"], popup>menuitem[_moz-menuactive="true"] {
background-color:#000 !important;
color:#fff !important;


Fixed in Firefox 3.0.1

Firefox 3 釋出功能與安全性更新版。

Release Date:
July 16, 2008
Security Update:
  • MFSA 2008-36 Crash with malformed GIF file on Mac OS X
  • MFSA 2008-35 Command-line URLs launch multiple tabs when Firefox not running
  • MFSA 2008-34 Remote code execution by overflowing CSS reference counter
  • Fixed several stability issues.
  • Fixed an issue where the phishing and malware database did not update on first launch.
  • Under certain circumstances, Firefox 3.0 did not properly save the SSL certificate exceptions list.
  • Updated the internal Public Suffix list.
  • In certain cases, installing Firefox 2 in the same directory in which Firefox 3 has been installed resulted in Firefox 2 being unstable. This issue was fixed as part of Firefox
  • Fixed an issue where, when printing a selected region of content from the middle of a page, some of the output was missing (bug 433373).
  • Fixed a Linux issues where, for users on a PPP connection (dialup or DSL) Firefox always started in "Offline" mode (bug 424626).
20080717 Update:
不知道該不該向 ISP 反應,Firefox 又開始抓住連線不放了,名氣一大,開發人員可能有點飄飄然,下載首日的 BUG 遲了一個月才修正,也許下次得等上一季了。
20080718 Update:
對 Unicode 的支援度變差了,在使用 Google 搜尋時,結果列表常出現一堆看不懂的方形符號,以往 版不會有這樣的狀況,目前還不知道要如何解決。
20080718 Update:
連線問題更嚴重了,目前已無法登入 Hotmail,不清楚是 Microsoft 還是 Firefox 那一邊出問題。
20080719 Update:
20080729 Update:
用圖片當作選單背景,在 Win2K 的系統下可以,在 WinXP 下不行,不知跟 WinXP 的 SP3 有沒有關係?